It's time to whip out the good old bullets....
- first of all, did anyone else watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 last night? I am just so sad for them! I feel like I know their family and can't believe they would really split up!? It kind of seems as though Jon just doesn't care about anything anymore(except those cool new EARRINGS? What the heck?) and Kate is truely sad about it all. I know marriage is hard work, and not to mention having 8 children together...can't they just try a little harder?
- it is hot, and I mean HOT down here. Mid 90's all week and it's only June! You can fry eggs on the pavement in July and August. Anyway, the pool in our little new community is finally open...I took this picture 2 weeks ago BEFORE it had opened...
- --------> the blue and yellow domes now have water flowing from them like a litte water fall area and there are lounging chairs all around the pool. Oh yeah, and get this...we have lifeguards!! LOL. It is a waste of money if ya ask me! There is maybe like 5 people at the pool during the week and 2 of them are the lifeguards. I can understand the weekends tho, with all the kids there. :)
- My nephew Noah is getting cuter and cuter every week. He is now laughing, grabbing his toys, and trying to roll over! Every week, I look forward to Kellys picture messages and new blog posts with little cute videos of Noah. Check them out here.
- Speaking of babies, remember my friend Landi from the Tripp's Triplets post? She ended up having an emergency C-section on friday. Which means she delivered at 28 weeks and 4 days...the 3 little boys and mom are doing well so far! Please keep them all in your prayers as they spend time in the NICU now.
- Megan is in MN right now and I'm pretty jealous.
- There are some big decisions to be made over the next month or so in Cornell and I's life. The Lord never seems to follow along with the things I have planned for our lives. LOL. Please pray for us. Pray that we seek the Lords direction and not our own. God is good.
- Congrats to my brother Joshua for FINALLY getting called back to work.
- And since it's Fathers Day this week and my dads birthday coming up, a picture of him fertilizing our lawn when he was here in April(after i had already done it *wink wink*)...