I'm finally putting up pictures of Makayla...yesterday was her one month "birthday!" Seriously, where does the time go? I have always heard other mommys say how fast children grow up, but it isn't realistic until you have one of your own...she changes DAILY! I'm already dreading going back to work because I don't want to miss a thing!
Today was Makayla's one month check up...the stats are(just so I don't forget), 9 pounds 3.7 ounces and 21 and 3/4 inches long. Growing little girl. Now to the pictures(mom, dad, meg, and kel...don't get excited, you've seen all of these!)
1. This is right after she was born, she was maybe 1 hour old...

(I couldn't stop saying, "Look at her hair!!!")
2. One day old in the hospital

3. Home

4. I have sooo wanted a picture of our black and white hands holding her since I found out I was pregnant...didn't really turn out how I imagined but how do you seriously pose a newborn?!

5. Next to daddy's shoe...

6. First bath(was not a big fan!)
7. I think she's a little over 2 weeks old here...
8. Just checking things out, getting more alert last week...

9. How about that belly? ;)

10. And today after our bath time and before the doctors...

9. How about that belly? ;)

10. And today after our bath time and before the doctors...

She seriously has the most perfect skin! I will look like a fluorescent light bulb in our family for the rest of my life! LOL...
Happy Mothers Day to all the mommys! I feel so blessed to be celebrating my first! :)