Oh how you have such a different meaning to me these past two years.
Prior to having my children, I spent Mother's Day hoping to make my mom feel just as incredibly special as she was to me(which I still try to do). But now, I have so many more emotions and feelings on this day. I feel such a gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord for allowing me the gift of being a mother. There is NOTHING in this world that can compare. I remember being in college, everyone talking of their dreams and aspirations, and yes, I was excited to be getting my nursing degree...BUT deep down in my soul, my dream was to be a wife and a mom.
And the Lord did not let me down.
I married the man of my dreams and two and half years later, began the journey of motherhood. I get teary eyed just trying to think of the words to express the joy in my heart that my daughters have brought me.
Such unconditional love.
We all know that motherhood can be trying some days. My patience is tested, my body just wants SLEEP, my muscles need more exercise, my hair needs a break from the daily ponytail, some of my friendships need more attention, my sweatpants want to be retired, my house always needs to be cleaned, etc, etc.
I chuckled at this the other day on pinterest...
(so true!)
But guess what?
My babies are only little once. And I am fully enjoying this stage they are in.
Dear Makayla,
You are such a blessing to me. Thank you for being my little buddy. I love our little talks we have while sitting outside together. When you get excited to hear the birdies singing, it makes me stop and enjoy them too. Your smile makes me smile. I love hearing you sing "Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so" while you color at your little table. Adara watches everything you do and wants to be just like you when she gets bigger. You are so loving, I can feel it when you hug me.
Some of our recent activities include...
A tea party in your diaper
Hiding under the diaper changing pad cover
Going up the big bouncy slide ALL BY YOURSELF!
I love watching you hang out with your best friend, Baylee.
You love to play with your own baby doll.
Putting on extra clothes before emerging from your nap. It usually ends up to be 3-4 shirts bunched up around your belly.
And doing your own hair.
I love you beyond words.
Dear Adara,
You are the perfect addition to our little Thomas family. You are a great baby, love to giggle and smile. And although your name means "fire" in Hebrew, you have such a calm and quiet spirit about yourself. I treasure our mornings together...you cooing/talking to me after nursing, smiling, while laying in bed together.
You love your big sister and watch her constantly...
Your precious smile :)
Your second day at home
You have taught me that no two babies are alike! You like NOTHING that your sister did as an infant. One of your favorite activities(besides eating) is taking a bath! I look forward to watching your personality emerge over the next few months.
But please don't grow up too fast.
Love you forever,
And last thing...Happy Mother's Day to my absolutely wonderful Mom!
I love you so much Mom, words cannot express it. Watching you with Makayla and Adara fills my heart with such joy. I wish your mom could see you in your roll as "grandma." She would be so proud.
Thank you for all that you do!