Remember me? Jamie? I'm baaaack...
It's been almost 2 months since I last wrote a new post...not even sure if my mom still checks this blog! :) We have had a pretty busy summer with some big decisions that were getting prayed for(and continue to be!)
I guess I'll start at the beginning for those that don't know the "whole" Cornell and I originally moved down here from MN because he had a basketball scholarship for a D2 school here(JCSU). Well, we have been here for 2 years and he still has never played an actual game, only practiced. Every semester, for a total of 4, there was some "new reason" for his ineligibility. We both felt that for this coming year, it would be best to not continue at JCSU and that the "door had shut." And then within two months, the Lord answered our prayers on the
what the heck do we do now? question. Cornell got a super random, and I mean RANDOM, offer from a college in Kentucky...the coach came here to watch him play...we went to visit...major praying....thinking...and about 3 weeks ago he was doing this...
Signing the papers for a full athletic scholarship to Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, KY. He decided to major in Christian Ministries, which is so so so perfect for him, and will be done in 2 years. Cornell and I did lots of seeking the Lord on this decision since obviously it affects a few, um I mean NUMEROUS, aspects of our life. For two...our brand new house...for job that I love...for four...our awesome friends here...for five...the best church ever...for wanting a baby(like right now)...for seven...paying bills with only one income...for eight, okay I will stop. But you can imagine my mind trying to figure it all out. I am such a "planner" and have a hard time "just going with the flow" and fully trusting the Lord. And you can imagine how much worse it got with him signing the papers July 27th, me leaving for MN July 29th, I am gone til Aug 11th, come back and move him to KY on Aug 15th! Crazy? Yes. Not much time to PLAN.
So now that leaves us to our current situation. I am going to stay here until we can figure out how to pay our mortage here and rent there all on one income. So for now, Cornell is living in a dorm room with 4 other basketball players and realizing how it stinks to have a roommate that snores. LOL :)
The friday night before we left for Kentucky, our friends had a little going-away get together for Cornell. So nice to fellowship and pray with people we are some of the guys...

The beautiful women... (can anyone even tell that Kari (right front) is like 8 months pregnant?!)

Guys again...
Goofy boy picture...

Goofy girl picture...

And then the next morning was off to Kentucky. Jake and Jenna were angels and came with us. I can't thank them enough. Here's a picture of setting up Cornell's dorm room.

And then last day good-byes... :(
Lots of texting and talking on the phone are helping us through this transition. I've never been so excited to check my phone through-out the day to see his messages! And i've already sent a care-package! LOL...I miss him so much.
Keep us in your prayers! :)