
Friday, October 28, 2011

More of Makayla(18 months)

Get excited.
I got real creative and did another post with bullets and facts about my beautiful daughter.  But hey, at least this time there are pictures included!  My time is limited and the weeks(aka life) continues to fly by, so I just have to do what I can with this blog!
  • I wrote last time that she is great at saying "tank two" for thank you...yeah, that went out the door randomly.  She used to say it after says it only after I ask her to and if she feels like it.
  • Tantrums.  Where in the world did these come from??  She doesn't go to daycare and therefore hasn't witnessed it from other children.  We don't have cable and she only watches a kids show once a day(Dora the explorer, Sesame Street, Care Bears, etc), which means I can't blame it on tv.  So?  I have no idea.  But she does the whole whine/cry, throw herself on the floor, and flap her arms and legs thing.  Does this mean it's time for more discipline?  Where's my parents manual when I need it!
Good thing she is cute :)

(Daddy and Kayla on the boat at the cabin this summer)

  • More LOTS of teeth coming in.  She had 4 teeth on the top and 4 on the bottom for the longest time.  Now she is practically getting all her molars and other teeth at the same time.  Handling it well so far though.  I just never realized how LONG the "tooth coming in" process really is.
  •  Has had a runny nose this week...not sure if it's a sickness coming on or just from her teeth but her nose drips like a faucet.  She actually started to "blow" when I put the tissue up to her nose yesterday.  Today when I was getting ready for work in the bathroom, she was in there playing too...and I looked down at her at one point, she had pulled toilet paper off the roll and was putting it on her nose and just blowing away.  So cute and funny.  Snot was everywhere but like any mom, I was so impressed how smart she is!!  Only a mom would overlook boogers everywhere to get excited at their child.

This is from last month sometime-when it was still nice enough to wear a romper and sunhat!
  • Goes down the slide at the park all by herself now!  She used to only go down if mom or dad was helping(holding) her.  But Cornell sent me a little video last night of them at the park and she went down, and then did her cute little "i'm excited" dance at the bottom.
  • Is still a major mommas girl.  Always wants me to hold/carry/hug her.  I'm just soaking it in.  I'm sure when January hits and her little sibling pops out, daddy will be her favorite.
  • Still a great eater.  Her favorites include oatmeal, cereal, any kind of soup, spaghetti, and fruit smoothies.  Oh yes, and EVERYtime she sees a McDonalds, she does the "choo choo" motion with one arm but says "Shake, shake" while doing it.  LOL.  Maybe I did go through a chocolate shake phase this pregnancy but it wasn't THAT bad?! ( so I thought).  I gave in yesterday and stopped to get her one just because it's so cute when she does it!
  • Here signature dance move is the "gitty up." (as Cornell would say).  She dances around like she's riding a horse.
  • Loves to grab Charlotte by the collar and lead her around the house while giving commands.  haha.  Poor Charley, looks at me with sad eyes everytime Makayla starts grabbing her collar but she's a good sport and goes along with it.

And a little pregnancy update: I'm huge, everyone at work stops me and says "when are you due again?" or "are you sure there aren't twins in there?"  I feel like saying "only a couple weeks left!"
("a couple" can mean 10, right?)
But baby is doing great and that's all that matters! So active in my belly...I do enjoy this stage in pregnancy, when you can practically feel them doing somersaults in there.  Much better than at the end when you feel like an alien is shifting around.

Hopefully more of an update on life next time...moving, Cornell's new job, recipes, baking, etc!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

17 months

As I mentioned a couple posts ago, I am totally loving this stage that Makayla is in.  She's so fun to hang around(unless it's around nap time!) and makes me laugh all the time.  She's my little sidekick.
Some updates to her world...
  • Obviously is walking. I'm a horrible mom and didn't document the exact date she started but it was between 14 and 15 months.  She still gets a little out of control if she tries the fast toddler walk/run but only has had a few wipe outs.
  • Is a total girly girl! Likes necklaces and bracelets.  Does not like to get dirty.  She comes up to me if she has even a piece of lint or a crumb on her hand and says "duuurty, duuurty" with a sad face and waits for me to wipe her hand off.  She also does not like bugs...the other day she was sitting in her high chair and a fly was buzzing around her.  She was fine just pointing at it but then it randomly landed on her nose...I flicked it off quickly and said, "oops Makayla, you had a fly on your nose."  She says, "BUG? Nooooose." and starts BAWLING!!  It was very tramatic as you can imagine :)  Today we were outside and saw a very small spider, she ran and latched onto my legs and in her saddest voice said, "bug, bug!"
  • So smart.  I know every parent says this about their child but it is just amazing to see them process things on their own and think for themselves.  I am constantly amazed at the tasks she watches me do and then trys to imitate me.  She loves to carry around her shirts or pants and try to fold them after watching me fold our laundry.  I can ask her to go throw something away for me and she will toddle over to the garbage can and throw it in there.  And when I say, "momma has to go potty" she heads to the bathroom with me, pulls tiolet paper off the roll, proceeds to wipe the side of my leg with it, and then flushes the tiolet, all while saying "Butt, Butt."  All I can say is, "Well, thank you so much Makayla!"
  • Along with imitating our actions, she is great at mimicing our words.  She will say just about anything you ask her too.  Today I had to chuckle at her..I saw a friend at Walmart and I must have said "I'll see ya later" because Makayla then begins yelling down the aisle "SEE YA!"  She also makes me smile everytime she says "AAAA-mean" for "amen" after we pray, even yells it outloud at church :)
  • Great at saying thank you, although it comes out like "tank two."
  • Shy some days around strangers, other days she finds it necessary to say "HI" to every.single.person we see.
  • Continues to be a great sleeper.  Goes to bed around 8:30 and wakes up between 8:30 and 9.  Then takes a 2-3 hour nap around noon.

I love watching her laugh.  I love watching her turn in circles when she's trying to dance.  I love when she lays her head on my shoulder and just wants to be held.  I love hearing her say "mommy" and "luv you."

I've been a little emotional the past week, not sure if it's pregnancy hormones or just mommy hormones, about her.   I cry because I just love her so much, I cry because I just don't want to miss anything she does, I cry because I feel so lucky that God gave me the chance to be HER mommy-this beautiful, perfect little girl.  Sometimes at the end of my day, when I'm laying in bed, I get mad at myself for trying to get her to entertain herself while I do laundry and the dishes quick.  Why didn't I just put the housework aside and spend that time with her?  How do you balance enjoying your child, being a wife, working full time, spending time with the Lord, running a household, and also fit in taking care of myself? 
Good question right?! :)
The life of a's a hard job, but the best job.

*sorry for no pictures! I have some cute ones on my computer but no internet yet since we have moved! :)  Soon hopefully!