Makayla is almost sitting up. She is like the leaning tower of pisa(as you can tell in this picture)! I couldn't help but take a few pictures of her in this beautiful fall weather we are having!
I feel like a different woman today. Cornell is on fall break this week, so he was home this morning and could be with Makayla when she woke up, which means this mommy got to sleep from 3 am to 9:30 am! Wow, I felt so refreshed getting up today! It was WON-DER-FUL(it also helped that Cornell made us a nice huge, yummy breakfast). Amazing what a little sleep can do!
This shrieking/squealing stuff that Makayla is doing...has-to-stop, PLEASE! It was kinda funny and cute the first couple times, but now it happens on a more consistent basis and it's driving mommy and daddy crazy. I try putting her pacifier in her mouth, but she just pushes it out after a minute and continues on with the
I had to laugh last night at Cornell. He and Makayla went to the Wednesday night service at church and I texted him from work to see how it was going...his response was "being naughty in church." Now usually Makayla is great in church. She is quiet, just likes to look around, and usually just cuddles up on your chest/shoulder. So I thought now what in the world can a 6 month old do in church to be naughty, especially Makayla? He said "she's bouncing and talking, and punching me too." LOL(she loves to jump up and down if you hold her waist and stand her on your lap, it's pretty cute cause she gets so excited and smiley). Then he texts and says "she's trying to eat my lips and farting uncontrollably."
She always picks the best places to have gas.
He ended up having to go out of the sanctuary and just watch the sermon from one of the televisions. That's what he gets for saying the day before, "I can't wait for her to be a toddler." LOL, don't think we are ready for that yet!
Good thing this little stinky butt is so cute.
So my other interesting topic of the week is my horrible baking skills. LOL. You all know my LOVE for baking. So I found this fun new recipe online for these chocolate-peanut butter-marshmellow-crispy-brownie bars. Yum right? To make a long story short, I wrecked the brownie part of the bar and got so upset that I started crying.
Yes, crying from messed up brownies. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I also messed up 2 loaves of pumpkin bread the week before. It is really like I've never baked before in my life!? I'm not sure what's going on with that. Cornell suggested maybe our oven is the problem(what a great husband to find other things to blame except my skills). Or maybe it's because I have been talking alot about trying to do some holiday baking for others this season and this is the Lord's way of telling me "it's not my plan for you right now Jamie." Who knows? But thank goodness for Cornell, he still acts real excited to eat my baked goods and makes me feel better. :)
Minnesota trip pictures next time, I promise!!
good grief she is so darn cute.
miss you guys!
LOL - Makayla sounds busy, exactly as she should !-- she's past the age of sitting still at church, or anywhere else!! Get ready :) and bring lots of interesting (and quiet) toys with you....
You'll have lots of failed baking days - keep your chin up, hon! Just try again... Love you
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