
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daddy's little honey

Yesterday I had The Little Mermaid on while playing with Makayla.  Cornell came in and watched a little bit of it.  After about 10 minutes, he goes "wow, watching this movie just makes me REALLY want to color."  hehe!

Our neighbor Wendy took a few photos of Makayla a couple weeks ago.  Once again, she wasn't very smiley.  She just kind of stares when I try and try to get her to smile.  She did smile a little bit though when she saw Wendy's son, Aiden.  She is just loving other little kids's pretty cute to watch her try and interact with them by talking and making her little noises.

One thing that can get Makayla to smile at a drop of a hat is her daddy.  She is SUCH a daddy's girl!  The other day, I was playing on the floor with her and Cornell came home.  As soon as he walked in the door, her arms started flapping, legs were kicking, and she snorted while breathing so fast because she was so excited! He didn't pick her up immediately, and she started whining/crying! HA! A little excited? One new thing she is doing is reaching her arms out for the person she wants.  It melts my heart when she does it to come TO ME, but if she has a choice between mommy and daddy...guess who she reaches those little arms for? Daddy! 

It's pretty darn cute to watch them together, he does goofy noises or tickles her and she just laughs and laughs.  If he smiles at her, she gives her BIG gummy smile right back to him.  Well one day, he kept tickling her and making her laugh but then had to leave for class.  So after he left, I decided to tickle her and play with her how he was, because, you know, I want her to laugh at me too.  I got no laughs. No smiles.  Just a look like, "Mom, what are you doing? Your not funny." 

My parents tell me how when I was little, I would refer to myself as "Daddy's little honey."  Looks like we now have the 2nd generation daddy's little honey...

1 comment:

GmaWick said...

Wow -- Makayla looks so old standing up? I didn't know she did that! (the hat is adorable)

It is true -- you were "Daddy's little honey", and also said DaDa first.... :) She just knows daddy is all about play time, babies sure figure that out in a hurry :)
Love you guys