
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Everything tastes better with a little...piece of hair?

Okay, so maybe not one of my proudest moments as a wife....
I made chilli the other night for dinner, it sounded so good to both Cornell and I. Turned out pretty delicious if I do say so myself. Cornell got seconds and was very excited to find the secret ingredient...a nice long piece of my hair! haha! I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Pretty gross if you can tell in the picture. And the first thing that came to mind...I'm turning into my mom! Growing up, every once and awhile there would be a hair here and there in dinner, and my brother Josh always seemed to be the lucky one that found it on his plate. And if you know anything about Josh, he doesn't do well with anything abnormal with food. He doesn't like anything that makes his hands messy while eating, or even anything on his plate to touch. So a piece of hair was the ultimate "grossness" for him. Not sure if he has out grown this yet? :)
I redeemed myself with a batch of cookies...I call them "Ebony and Ivory." White and milk chocolate chips are such a great combination, just like Cornell and I...they also happen to black and white, just like Cornell and I! haha...I'm cheezy I know!
Next blog I promise to not talk about eating!
Love to all!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Thomas Bakery

So I have to thank my parents again for giving me the best gift EVER for kitchen aid mixer.

I have been baking up a storm in our little kitchen down here in Charlotte! I've been trying new recipes to see what could become a favorite around the Thomas household, and what is not a fav. First up is the Peanut Butter Chocolate Mud Pie...
It has Nutter Butter cookies for the crust and is very yummy. My husband gives it an A+, even says he wants this for his birthday instead of his beloved banana pudding. That's big for him!
Next up is my cupcakes...the appearance isnt so great. They are supposed to be sunflowers but the frosting was the wrong consistency of what the recipe called for, it melted if it was out of the refrigerator for only five minutes and made my decor look like mush.

The taste was still yummy dad's famous chocolate vinegar cake with ice cream frosting. I got the idea out of my new "Hello Cupcake" book.

My next dessert was just a plain cheesecake with choice of toppings...strawberry/rasberry, caramel sauce, or just homemade whipped cream. This was gone before I could take any pics tho! It was good, but not a cheesecake factory cheesecake, I would try a different recipe next time.

Tonight I made M&M bars...nice and ooey gooey...just what i was in the mood for.


Winter storm warning??

So today Cornell and I were awakened to a phone call at 5:30 was a generic message from his school, JCSU, saying that school was cancelled for today due to the weather. And me, being a MN girl, popped out of bed to see all the snow that we got! This is what I saw...

LOL...can you spot the snow?? So almost all the schools and businesses are closed today due to the storm. Our car has a very light dusting of snow on it...very funny how everyone overreacts down here! How would they ever survive in Minnesota?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hi mom!

I love you!

Friday, January 9, 2009


this is adorable! I've watched it at least 25 times and still laugh! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wake up and smell the roses...

So Cornell picked me up at work last night when I was he always does. We usually chit chat on the ride home, but I was feeling not so chatty...3 days in a row of 13 hour shifts at a crazy busy hospital was making me pretty sleepy and drained. Needless to say, I wasn't the funnest wife to be around.
We get home and I find the apartment super duper clean and these sitting on the counter with the sweetest little note....

So pretty! That was exactly what I needed at that exact moment. I think sometimes we may forget how just these little acts of thoughtfulness and kindness can make us feel so special and loved. And it doesn't need to be just a can be friends, coworkers, family, etc. I think one of my goals for this new year, is to do this with people I interact with. A little love can go a long way.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Do you believe in Angels?

I have been meaning to post this story for a few's so amazing!

The hospital I work at down here in Charlotte, Presbyterian hospital, experienced a miracle! And since the middle of December, we have had numerous television stations here(local and national) for this angel story. We talked about it for days on my unit, and I still get chills when I read the story. I don't know how you can't believe in angels after hearing it....especially if you hear the nurses' side of the story! Read it here if the video doesn't work(or your computer is real slow like my parents!)...the story is only the first minute or two of this video! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's a baby shower!

So these pictures are a bit late...the shower for Kelly and Noah were last weekend but I have been pretty busy since then! It was a wonderfully fun mom worked so hard to make everything perfect!

Here is Kelly's sister and mom, and Sarah L and Sarah H.

Noah's Ark was the theme...Here is the table and sweets. We had cupcakes in the cutest animal holders i have ever seen. They are called "cupcake cuppies" and can be found here. So adorable!

Here is the cute mommy opening her presents!

All the wonderful gifts...look at Dexter on the right side of the picture! :)

Anna, Megan, and Beth playing the baby food jar game...looks like buffalo sauce right Sheena? LOL

Me and Kel! I love her!

My mom, having a little punch! :)

The funny gals of the party, they both just make me laugh...Kris and Sheena!

Eating lunch!

And finally, Kelly holding the cupcakes! Can you even tell she's pregnant? She is so darn cute!
Hope everyone had fun! :)

Christmas day in Silver Bay

So Cornell and I flew into MN on Christmas Eve last week(close call but we made it) and just relaxed at home with my family that night. I had the best night's sleep of my life that night...I was exhausted, and the brand new king sized bed helped I think! :)
Christmas day we headed up to Silver Bay to spend the day at the Sandstroms house. It was so wonderful to see Megan, I miss her so much...and also to finally meet Dexter! He is so cute and hilarious. Cornell and him hit it off right away.
We also decided to do ugly christmas sweaters this year. Meg, Kirst, and Kelly ended up looking cute in their Christmas gear, my mom looked like she was wearing a disco ball, and Bry said mine "looks like something you wear on a daily basis." Bryan ended up winning the year I am hitting up Ragstock for an ugly sweater.
We also do gag gifts, play games, open presents and decorate christmas cookies. Oh yeah, and I can't forget eat, eat, and more eating. It was so fun and I can't wait for next year!